Rudymentari Eight Song Collection Release Rissaga

Rudymentari Eight Song Collection Release Rissaga
Rudymentari Eight Song Collection Release Rissaga

The other side of Rissaga is social transformation, musically contrasted with much more joyful rhythms where there are “Diuen que plou” and “Deixa’m viure tranquil.” Much more danceable and melodic songs to talk about the struggle of the new generations to achieve more sustainable life models with “Diuen que plou” and focused on the crisis of the tourist model in his land, which every summer increasingly collapses the island, with “Deixa’m viure tranquil“.

Rudymentari finishes with “Impostor”, a song that reflects and looks inward, but without losing the collective gaze. In a society that educates us to be rivals and competitors, we have been made to understand success as the only valid response. Hiding the fact that, often, failure is a much greater learning experience than any success. A universal message put into verses that also accompanies in “Ceguera”. A call to confront ignorance, which creates a placebo effect to achieve apparent happiness, and seek a much broader and unified vision.

This is the collection of 8 songs presented by Rudymentari under the name Rissaga, an extraordinary maritime phenomenon. It is a sea level oscillation that occurs in a short period of time. Its magnitude is often difficult to predict, which creates uncertainty and expectation. Moreover, it is a recurring and characteristic phenomenon of Menorca, specifically of the port of Ciutadella. A word that represents its identity and also has the strength and power to shape this new delivery, which has been created surrounded by Quim Simó, producer and saxophonist of the band, and Otger Ibars, keyboardist and producer. Recorded between Radi Studios and Picn’N’Mix Studios, accompanied by Eduard Coll (drums), Carlos Coll (bass), and Martin Anderson (guitar). Additionally, they have had the collaboration of Neus Aranda (trumpet) and Alba Pujals (trombone).

Rudymentari will present Rissaga on May 13 at Sala Salamandra in Barcelona. They will also perform in their homeland on May 6 at Sala Multifuncional in Menorca, and on June 3 at Factoría de So in Mallorca.