Red Star Martyrs New Release Rootsman

Red Star Martyrs New Release Rootsman
Red Star Martyrs New Release Rootsman

The UK producer Stanley Woodfield, better known under the project-name Red Star Martyrs, has been one of the most active artists since the start of our label. After having released two EPs,“I & I” (2013) and “Time for Tea”(2014), contributing in the compilation “United as One (2014)and releasing his album “Red Star Martyrs”(2016)there was a silence!

He is one of those producers who like to have this constructive silence to gather energy and new inspirations …and today we are happy to announce his new single.His new track is entitled ROOTSMAN and it is presented in three cuts:Two vocal versions ina roots and jungle style, and the obligatory dub version.The vocals are presented by the lyrical Zion Irie,another old acquaintance of the label, who has been active with us since the creation of Dubophonic.